System testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the overall functionality and performance of a complete and fully integrated software solution. It tests if the system meets the specified requirements and if it is suitable for delivery to the end-users. This type of testing is performed after the integration testing and before the acceptance testing.


➱Graphical user interface testing(GUI)

its a process of testing the user interface its include all the elements such as menu,checkbox,buttons,fonts,size,icons, is a front end testing checking the elements not fuctions

➱usability testing

During testing validation application provides context sensetive help or not to the user

check how easily the end user are able to understand and opererate the application is usability testing

Easyness of the software or application

➱Fuctional testing

Testing the functionality of the application

functionality is some thing that will work accordingly with the requirment

fuctional testing is done for customer requirements

➤Object property testing

Every elements of the webpage or application is having certain number of properties, checking that properties are working or not

➤Error handling

tester verify the error messages while performing incorrect actions on the application,while performing wrong actions popups should be appears , error messages should be relatable

➤links existence & execution testing

where exactly links are placed, links are navigating to proper page or not the links are exists in the proper area or not while clicking the links its should be perform the requirements (only in web applications)

➤cookies & sessions

cookies▹ Temporaly files created by browser while browsing the pages through internet thi action is taken or not in the applicaton is tested

sessions▹time slots i scomes for the sessions this mechanism is provides for security purose

➱Non-fuctionak testing

Non-fuctional testing is done for customer expectation.After completing the functional testing the non fuctional testing is done.

➤Perfomance testing

This is focus on speed of the application
  • Load testing▹ increase the number of users in the server and noting the response of the application
  • stress testing▹ Here we suddenly increase and decrease the speed of the application
  • volume testing ▹ check how much data is able to handle by the application

➤Security testing

how secure is the application is tested authentication,user valid or not,access control, permission for valid user are comes under security testing

➤Recovery testing

checking the system change to abnormal to normal, saving the past in the application or normal the application which th network issue or some kind od other issue

➤Compatibility testing

thi sis upgrade testing the software we develop is upgrade should be compaled with the versions its should be adapt the version of the sofware

➤installation testing

checking the screen navigation are clear or not understand the installation is simple or not

➱Diffrence between funtional and non-fuctional testing

Functional testing

Non-functional testing

validate functionality of software

verify performance,security reliability of the software

concentrates on users requirements

concentrates on users expectation

functional testing takes place before non-functional testing

nonfuctional testing performed after the functional testing